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Camp dates: June 24th – June 28th, 2025

For current 6th – 8th grade students. We will promote 8th grade at the end of the summer.  

We are returning to Camp Buckner in Burnet, Texas, this summer! We will be packing up and heading to camp for a week of worship, teaching, and fellowship wrapped into a full-blown summer camp experience for our middle school students



Registration Opens January 18, 2024

Flash Sale ( January 15-22): $465

Regular Registration cost (January 23-March 31): $485

Late Registration cost (April 1-April 30): $500

**All registrations after March 31st must be paid in full at time of registration. No refunds will be given for cancellation after April 30th. **

There is a $100 deposit required per student to submit registration. This deposit is non-refundable. 

All remaining balances MUST be paid by March 31st. Any registrations with an outstanding balance on April 1st will forfeit their spot and their deposit. You will receive multiple email reminders prior to the due date, but it is ultimately your responsibility to pay your remaining balance. 

If you need to cancel your registration, the remaining camp cost can be refunded as follows: 

  • If you cancel on or before March 31st : Full refund (minus deposit)  
  • If you cancel between April 1st and May 31st: 50% refund (minus deposit)
  • If you cancel June 1st or later: No refunds will be given (your payment will be transferred to our student scholarship account) 

Each student in Currey Creek Student Ministry is expected to conform to the following rules of conduct: no possession or use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaping, etc. No students can drive for any Currey Creek Student Ministry event. No fighting, weapons, fireworks, lighters, or explosives. No offensive or immodest clothing. No boys in girls’ sleeping quarters and no girls in boys’ sleeping quarters. Participation with the group is expected. Respect property, one another, staff, and other adult leaders. Respect and comply with event schedules. Students who fail to comply with these expectations may be sent home at their parent’s expense. 

Parent meeting will be held Sunday May 18th after the 3rd service. Please make plans to attend.