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His Kingdom, His Church, His People

His Kingdom

We are continuing to invest in His Kingdom. We are still a church that will plant churches. We will continue to be about building His Kingdom, and not Currey Creek’s Kingdom. We believe part of planting in a healthy way means building a strong foundation from which to send out multiple church planters in the future.

His Church

We believe that Currey Creek is Christ’s Church. Jesus said, “I will build my church…” (Matt 16:18) It is not the Senior Pastor’s church. It is not the Elders’ church. It is not the staff’s church. It is His Church. We believe it is important we all continue to invest in Currey Creek because it is His Church and we should steward it well.

His People

Every person has been created by God, in His image, and for His purposes. We are His People. Being part of the church in Boerne, Currey Creek is called to reach, share, invite, and care for His People. His people are not just within the walls of our particular church, but they are also the lost, unchurched, or searching in our community.

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