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Join us each week for Creek Kids, ages birth to 5's at 8:00am and birth to 5th grade at 9:30 & 11:00am!

Teaching Kids the Good News of Jesus What We're About

Creek Kids is our children’s ministry at Currey Creek. We long for our children to know God and know God’s Word. We pray for our children to have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they would know Him better. We also pray that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened in order that they may know the hope to which He has called them. (Eph. 1:17-18)


Sunday Programming How we gather together

Birth through 2 years old
In our Creek Babies Ministry, we strive to create the beginning pieces of a strong biblical foundation for our children. Creek Babies welcomes little ones, prays over them and teaches them songs and biblical truth through their Bible class time. Our Two’s class offers their own Bible class time where they begin hearing Bible stories each week using The Gospel Project Curriculum. These truths are reinforced with songs and craft activities.

Ages 2 through Pre K- Five
Our Early Childhood ministry offers children ages two through Pre K- Five their first corporate worship experience. Children attend chapel time where they sing, dance and are taught biblical truths each week using the Gospel Project curriculum. The Gospel Project is a chronological Bible curriculum where God’s Word is central. Children are taken through a study of the Bible in 3 years. 

Grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Creek Kids Elementary strives to be a place where God’s Word is taught, friendships are built, and children learn to worship together. Creek Kid holds to these five foundational elements: praise and worship, Scripture memory, Bible teaching, small group discussion and a take-home for parents. Creek Kids Elementary Ministry uses the Gospel Project Curriculum. The Gospel Project is a chronological Bible curriculum where God’s Word is central. Students complete a study of the Bible every three years. 

First time at Creek Kids?

Stop by the Check-In desk in the lobby so we can…

  • Walk you through the check-in process
  • Guide you to where you need to go
Important Information:
  • Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade
  • Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian
  • Hold on to the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service
  • Have a student in 6th-8th grade? Check out Upstre(AM) (only at the 9:30AM & 11:00AM services)!

If you have additional questions, please email


early childhood

He is not here, for he has risen! Matthew 28:6


In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set for in Christ. Ephesians 1:7-8

March 30

Easter: Jesus Shared a Last Meal

April 6

Easter: Jesus was Crucified 

April 13

Easter: Jesus was Raised

April 20

Easter on the Square

April 27 

David Fought Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

dates creek kids will not be meeting:
**PRE SCHOOL is Birth through Pre K Five**
**Elementary is Kindergarten-5th Grade**
Spring 2025
April 20 - Easter on the Square
May 25 - PRESCHOOL ONLY @ 9:30 & 11:00
August 3 - No Creek Kids | Volunteer Training

◈ Prayers for Currey Creek Church Student Ministry:

• Pray for our high school students as they leave for Breakaway. That God would reveal himself to them and show them what rest with him looks like.

• Pray for Upstream students to experience genuine freedom through the gospel and genuine desire to be a disciple of Jesus

• Pray for our student volunteers to delight in their time with Jesus as they continue to faithfully invest in our students


Creek Kids Hand in Hand is Currey Creek’s ministry for preschool and elementary children with special needs. Hand in Hand exists to make sure all families feel welcome and all children can learn about God in a way that is meaningful to them.

Our desire is to welcome and accommodate families with children of all needs. We work with each family individually to serve their child and teach them about the love of God in a safe, loving environment. Maybe this looks like small accommodations for your child during their grade level Bible class and children’s chapel, a trained one-on-one friend to help your child during Bible class, or our Hand in Hand classroom designed especially for our friends who prefer a quieter space to worship and learn about God.  

If you are interested in Hand in Hand services for your child, follow the link below to fill out the registration. Once received, a member of the team will reach out to you to learn what makes your child beautifully unique and the ways that our team can make coming to church a blessing to them – and you!

Creek Kids Hand in Hand ministry is currently available weekly during the 11:00am service!


Creek Kids Hand in Hand seeks volunteers with a heart for working with children with special needs. If you would like to volunteer with this new ministry, please click the link below to fill out an application.



Interested in playing a part in the lives of our kids?
  • Become a Sunday Morning Teacher
  • Serve with the Sunday Morning Check-In Team

Click HERE  to get plugged in! 

Are you a Current Volunteer?

Click HERE for lessons, schedules and volunteer information.

Meet Our Team