
Missions Accordion


 In Luke 15, Jesus tells a parable about a shepherd with 100 sheep. When one of them goes missing, Jesus says that the shepherd will leave the 99 and go after the one. That is what we ask of each member at Currey Creek, that they live their lives with the one in mind. In doing so, you take a step of obedience to the commission given to all believers in Matthew 28, to go and make disciples of all nations.  


Invest and Invite. Invest in one unbeliever in your life—meaning you pray for them, intentionally know, and pursue them. Then, invite them into the family of God, through sharing the good news of Christ with them, and inviting them to come to Currey Creek with you. 

Attend the Gospel Training on August 23rd. This will help you know how to segway into Gospel conversations, give you a simple way of sharing the Gospel, and a couple of ways to follow up after sharing the Gospel. Then, join us on August 26th for the 1st annual Joshua Walk—a city-wide prayer walk, to cover the city of Boerne in prayer.  


Missions Resources
  • Go Local

    Partnering with local ministries to meet needs in our community.

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  • Go Plant

    Church planting is in our DNA, it's how we started.

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  • Go Global

    Church partnership is the key strategy in our foreign missions.

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