
Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

Our adult classes and small groups are designed to enrich the Christ-follower, by creating opportunities for spiritual growth through the study of God’s Word and its application in their lives.

We invite you to be a part of Creek Groups, Creek Men and Creek Women ministries this falls. Outside of Sunday morning worship services, these are the places where we connect to find encouragement, grow in our faith, and share hope with others.

Creek Groups

Creek Groups exists at Currey Creek to provide an opportunity for a smaller group of believers to pursue a relationship with Jesus and to grow in their walk with Him. We do this through community and discipleship environments that intentionally focus on the studying of God’s word with one-another, praying for one-another and encouraging one-another.

Time together in these Creek Group environments provide practical ways to live out the “one-another” verses we read about in God’s word. Creek Groups meet throughout the week and are a great way to get involved and connected with others from Currey Creek.

Click here to join a Creek Group

Creek Women

Creek Women is built on a passion for the study of God's Word and a desire to be transformed by its life-giving truth. Through individual study, small group discussions and Bible teaching, we come together to be encouraged, challenged and grow in our relationships with Christ alongside one another. Whether you are new to the church, the Bible, or have been studying for years, Creek Women is a safe place to learn and go deeper together in God's Word while finding connection, community and prayer support in our small groups.

Click here to visit our women's page

Creek Men

Creek Men exists to provide an opportunity for men to grow in their relationship with Christ, for the purpose of living a life that points people to Him. Our focus is to be in community with men for the purpose of making disciples of men.

Every time we meet, it will be a time of Exalting God, Engaging the culture and Enriching the Christ follower. We will do this through times of studying and applying God’s word together, through opportunities to serve those in our church and those in our community and through fellowship events that help us all grow in our relationship with the Lord and with each other.

Click here to visit our Men's Page