Creek Kids on Mission
Creek Kids is on mission! We have an amazing opportunity to partner with Children's Evangelism Fellowship in Macedonia. For the month of April, our Creek kids will be hosting several different opportunities to raise funds to pay for the transportation of children in Macedonia to Bible camp. We would love to have you join us as we pray and financially support this impactful ministry!
Here is what is happening:
April 21 ~ Creek Kids Bakery Day! Bakery goods made by our kids will be available for all of Currey Creek after both services. So come by and pick up some dessert and leave a donation if you like!
April 28 ~ Change Collection Contest! On Sunday, kids will bring their containers that they have been collecting change in. We hope they can collect change from either doing odd jobs around the house or finding loose change in the sofa. Our boys and girls are having a competition to see who can donate the most change so get ready to have some extra help around the house!